Updated: 02/20/2025
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Veterans Crisis Line Website
* Mental Health - Older Veterans
* 2025 Federal Benefits for Veterans, Dependents, Survivors and Caregivers * VA Emergency Medical Care Coverage (What to know if you get care outside of VA)
* VA National PTSD Resource Directory
* Military Exposures & Your Health - 2024 - Issue 14 (VA Launches the Resigned Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry)

* Pre-need eligibility for burial in a VA cemetery
* Veterans Exposure Team-Health Outcomes Military Exposures (VET-HOME)
* VA health and benefits - Manage your VA health care, benefits, and payments from your mobile phone.
* Insomnia Coach
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* 4 Reminders About Getting Care With TRICARE For Life
* 2024 Veterans disability compensation rates * 2024 VA Special Monthly Compensation (SMC) rates
* 2024 VA DIC rates for spouses and dependents * 2024 VA pension rates for Veterans * 2024 Medicare and You
* TriCare Publications
* VA Welcome Kit
* About the VA Tele-Mental Health Program on MyHealthEvet Website
* Accessing new toxic exposure health care and benefits The PACT Act expands VA health care and benefits for Veterans exposed to toxic substances

* Accessing the VA Podcast Network (2023)
* Afghanistan: How Veterans can reconcile service

* Talking About Afghanistan (Resources)
* Talking About Afghanistan: More Resources
* Agent Orange exposure and VA disability compensation (2023)
* Alzheimer’s and related dementias - Care and research
* American Addiction Centers
* Anger Management Booklet
* Anger and PTSD - Article from the National Center for PTSD
* Another study of MDMA-assisted therapy for PTSD
* Anxiety Information
* Aphasia, Caused by Stroke or TBI, is Frustrating and Little Known
* Appointments, Immunity, and Scams: COVID-19 Myths vs. Facts
* Aquatic therapy helps Veterans overcome physical and cognitive challenges
* Are You TBI Ready? - improve health care providers' ability to identify, care for, and treat service members and veterans affected by
* Army Deployment Guide

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* Behavioral Health Interdisciplinary Program
* Benefits and Upgrading A Discharge - Applying for Benefits and Your Character of Discharge
* Beyond MST Mobile App
* DOD Spells Out New Requirements to Counter Blast Overpressure Risks
* Board of Veterans' Appeals Customer Service Information
* Board of Veterans' Appeals Process Information
* Breast cancer awareness: What can you do today to reduce your risk?
* Brown Water Navy Claims Readjudication of Previous Denied Claims
* Burial benefits and memorial items
* Pre-need eligibility for burial in a VA cemetery
* Call Center For Homeless Veterans/Caregiver Support/War Vet Call Center and more
* Camp Lejeune: Public Guidance on Elective Option for Camp Lejeune Justice Act Claims
* Camp Lejeune Family Member Program
* Caregivers !!!!!: Apply for the Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers
* Caregivers: New program developed to address mental health needs of military caregivers
* Caregiver Support
* Caregiver Support - Tips & Tools
* Caregiver Support Program

* Caregiver Support Line brings sense of community and peace to caregivers - Trained mental health counselors answer 250-350 calls a day
* Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers - Eligibility Criteria Fact Sheet
* Surprising Ways VA Social Workers Can Help
* Certain Philips Respironics Masks for BiPAP, CPAP Machines Recalled Due to Safety Issue with Magnets That May Affect Certain Medical Devices: FDA Safety Communication
* Center for Women Veterans (CWV)
* VA to expand health care coverage to Veteran family members and caregivers through CHAMPVA
* Child Welfare Information Gateway (Finding quality, affordable, and enriching child care is critical for families)
* Check Your Online Health Records
* Clinician's Trauma Update Online - includes brief updates on the latest PTSD clinically relevant research
* Clinician's Trauma, Update - Plenty of PTSD Related Information (Unclear benefit of cannabis for individuals with PTSD/Repeated ketamine infusions safe and effective for PTSD and more)
* Coaching Into Care - 1-888-823-7458 (how to support the Veteran you love)
* Coast Guard Retirees Now Can Pay TRICARE Enrollment Fees by Allotment
* Cognitive Processing Therapy: Helping During Treatment - What is CPT? (2022)
* Community Care Information Overview (Outside VA Care)
* Combat-Related Special Compensation (CRSC) and Concurrent Retirement Disability Pay (CRDP)

* Common Reactions After Trauma
* COMPENSATION & PENSION Exmas Information- Understanding Mental Health Examinations
* Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregiver Program Expansion For All Eras Of Service
* Connecting all military members to the resources they need
* Copayment Debt: Refunds, Forgiveness
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* About VA DIC (Dependency and Indemnity Compensation) for spouses, dependents, and parents

* Department Of Labor - Women's Bureau
* Deployment Guide Resources
* DHA Launches Pilot to Tackle Mental Health Effects of Sexual Trauma
* DOD Spells Out New Requirements to Counter Blast Overpressure Risks
* VA decision letters online - View and download
* DIC for spouses, dependents, and parents (Dependency and Indemnity Compensation)
* Dependency Indemnity and Compensation - Survivors: You may be eligible for VA benefits thanks to historic legislation
* DIC Program (What is Dependency Indemnity and Compensation)
* Disability compensation and benefits available to Vietnam War Veterans
* Disability for Scars
* Distinguishing between TBIs, psychological conditions key to treatment
* DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for PTSD
* DVBIC blood plasma study assists in TBI and PTSD diagnosis
* Emergency Medical Care Coverage (Outside the VA)
* (Employment) Veteran Readiness and Employment (Chapter 31)
* Effects of PTSD – For Family and Friends
* Effects of TBI
* Eight Tips to Get Better, More Restful Sleep
* Eligibility for Veterans Pension
* Emotion-based psychotherapy a promising treatment for women with PTSD, eating disorders
* End-of-Life Benefits (Advanced Care Planning/Burial Memorial Benefits and more)
* Understanding Veterans Exposure Team - Health Outcomes Military Exposures (VET-HOME)
* The Steven A. Cohen - Military Family Clinic at Endeavors (mental health care to Veterans and their families)
* Endeavors Veteran Wellness Center (VWC) - Virtual Services
* Enrolling and Disenrolling from TRICARE
* Evidence-based therapies (EBTs)
* Expanded Housing Grants for Disabled Veterans Now Available
* Extended Period for Presumptive Qualifying Chronic Disabilities from Desert Storm - Dec 31, 2026
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* Family/Friend - As a family member or friend of a Veteran with mental health challenges...
* Federal and State benefits for Veterans in the Great State of Texas - (eligibility based on Discharge & VA Disability Rating)
* File a Claim for Military Exposure (Six New Presumptive Conditions) (2022)
* Five Reasons to Upgrade your My HealtheVet account
* Free help at home for Veterans from the Elizabeth Dole Foundation - For Veterans who have a spouse, family member, or friend who helps provide them with care and support at home and could use an extra set of hands
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* Geriatrics and Extended Care
* Gender differences in the development of suicidal behavior among United States military veterans: A national qualitative study
* Get your VA medical records online

Grant Information
* Grant Making Agencies
* How to apply for a Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) or Special Home Adaptation (SHA)
* Home Improvement and Structural Alterations Programs (HISA) Grant Information
* HISA grant (How to apply)

* Got TRICARE For Life Questions? Here’s What You Should Know
* Grief: Helping Someone Else After a Loss
* Guideline For The Assessment and Management Of Patients At Risk For Suicide
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* Health and Wellness Coaching: - Your partner in well-being
* Hearing - Military Hearing Experts Leverage Collaboration to Advance Research, Treatments for Auditory Processing Disorder
* Helpful List of VA Forms
* Helping a Family Member Who Has PTSD
* Herbicide Tests and Storage Outside Vietnam<
* Don't Let Hearing Loss Sneak Up on You
* Home Improvement and Structural Alterations Programs (HISA) Grant Information
* HISA grant (How to apply)
* Homeless Veterans Health Care (2023)
* How to Apply for a Discharge Upgrade
* How to Choose Between TRICARE Prime and TRICARE Select
* How to Prevent and Treat Traumatic Brain Injuries
* How to Get Urgent Care Under Your TRICARE Health Plan
* How to check your VA claim, appeal, or decision review status online
* How to Talk About PTSD
* How to check your PACT Act claim status
* How VA supports Veterans experiencing IPV during Sexual Assault Awareness Month and beyond
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* Improvements to Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry
* Improving Reproductive Health for Women with PTSD
* Increased disability rating for time in a hospital
* Insomnia Coach
* Intimate partner violence and suicide linked
* Indoor exercises to improve anxiety and depression
* Innovation that serves women Veterans
* Intimate Partner Violence Assistance Program (IPVAP)
* Intimate Partner Violence Information Brochure
* In the mission to end intimate partner violence, VA is here to help
* In the National Guard or Reserve? Learn about your Tricare health options
* Information on Medicines for PTSD
* Information on wounded, ill, and injured programs of each military Service
* inTransition Improves its Success Rate in Connecting Service Members to Sexual Assault-related Counseling
* Intimate Partner Violence Assistance Program (IPVAP)
* Intimate Partner Violence & LGBTQ Veterans Awareness
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* Keep your DEERS Information Updated
* Learn to recognize emotional Red Flags
* Let’s Talk: Youth, Mental Health, and TRICARE
* Life as a Male Military Spouse
* Life Events -Learn more about Qualifying Life Events. (They can trigger a change in your TRICARE benefit)
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* Managing PTSD Symptoms - Coping With PTSD Symptoms
* Rapid recovery – massed treatment for PTSD
* Military Exposures & Your Health - 2024 - Issue 12
* Military Exposures & Your Health - 2024 - Issue 14 (VA Launches the Resigned Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry)
* Manage Stress this Holiday
* 2024 Medicare and You
* Military Sexual Trauma (MST) Assistance Resources
* Military Sexual Trauma (MST) Information
* Manage Stress this Holiday - Begin with a one-week plan in the Mood Coach app
* Medical Records and Emergencies
* Meditation may help Veterans with PTSD - Mantram Repetition Program and compassion meditation
* Mental health and suicide prevention during COVID-19 - Strategies to protect your family and prevent suicide
* Military Exposures & Your Health - 2021 -Issue #5
* Military Exposures and Your Health - 2022 - Issue 7
* Military Exposures & Your Health - 2023 - Issue 10
* What is Military Sexual Trauma (MST)?
* Military Sexual Trauma coordinators are ready to help
* MVP study shows effectiveness of genetic screening tool for breast cancer risk
* MVP study identifies genes linked to re-experiencing symptoms in PTSD
* My Health Vet in the spotlight - several topics
* MyhealthVet In The Spot Light Articles
* My Health Vet: Get Help: Agent Orange - Learn about support for many related health issues
* My HealtheVet Step by Step User Guide
* VA Military Sexual Trauma program enables trust - Some participate via video telehealth
* VA Military Sexual Trauma (MST) Assistance Resources
* VA Military Sexual Trauma (MST) Information
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* National Center for PTSD: Continuing Education (free in-depth Continuing Education resources for the Professional community concerned with trauma)
* National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
* New Cultural Exemption Affects Midwife Services for TRICARE Families in Germany
* New mental health copayment exemptions
* New guide series provides GI Bill benefits information
* New Monthly Premiums for TRICARE Young Adult Plans in 2021
* New MHS Podcast Explores Women’s Health in the Military (2022)
* New to TriCare? What is TRICARE?
* New, Expanded Childbirth and Breastfeeding TRICARE Benefits for Expecting Parents (2022)
* New program developed to address mental health needs of military caregivers
* Nine new cancers added to the presumed service-connected list related to particulate matter - Covers from 1990 - Present
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* Mental Health - Older Veterans
* Houston VA makes it easier for Veterans to get psychology services

* The PACT Act and your VA benefits (2022)
* PACT Act - LeJuene - Burn Pits and more Info (PowerPoint Presentation)
* PACT Act - How to check your claim status

* Parkinson’s disease awareness: Answering 9 most popular Parkinson’s questions from Veterans
* Partnership to enhance breast cancer treatment for Veterans
* Pharmacy Benefit Questions? Check Out This Handbook
* Policy Guidance Extension for Identification Card Operations for COVID-19
* Polytrauma/TBI System of Care
* Pregnant or Expecting? This Brochure Tells You What TRICARE Covers
* Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act FAQ
* Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers (Eligibility Criteria Fact Sheet)
* Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers to expand - Will open up to eligible WWII, Korean and Vietnam Veterans
* Proposed New Ratings for Sleep Apnea - PTS
* Protecting Veterans returning for in-person care - Physical distancing and face coverings key safety measures
* Psychotherapy Utilization, Preferences, and Retention among Women Veterans with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

PTSD Information
* PTSD treatment (What services does VA provide for PTSD?)
* Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Racial Trauma
* National Center for PTSD (PTSD Consultation Program: Resources for Providers)
* PTSD -Racial and Ethnic Disparities
* PTSD - Rapid recovery – massed treatment
* PTSD and the Family - How Does PTSD Affect Family Members? (2022)
* PTSD Assessment Information
* PTSD Disability compensation
* PTSD Treatment Basics - Recommended Treatments: Treatments with the Most Research Support
* PTSD Treatment Basics
* PTSD Bytes #13: PTSD and Insomnia
* PTSD Coach
* PTSD Monthly Update - 5 Things To Know About PTSD Treatment
* PTSD Research Quarterly
* PTSD Research Quarterly - Couple/Family Interventions for PTSD
* PTSD Self Care mobile Apps
* PTSD: National Center for PTSD - Continuing Education -Cognitive-Behavioral Conjoint Therapy for PTSD
* PTSD: National Center for PTSD - Mobile Apps: Couples Coach
* PTSD: National Center for PTSD - PTSD Treatment Basics
* PTSD: National Center for PTSD - Relationships
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* Recruitment of women veterans into suicide prevention research: Improving response rates with enhanced recruitment materials and multiple survey modalities
* Reducing loneliness may reduce the likelihood of suicide
* Report: Number of Military Suicides Drastically Greater Than Military Operations Deaths
* Retiring From the Service? Get to Know Your TRICARE Options
* Robot-guided water jet helps Veterans’ prostate treatment Aquablation therapy treats Veterans’ enlarged prostate symptoms with reduced risk of unwelcome side effects
* Routine blood tests could predict future diabetes
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* Safe settings and trusted care for women Veterans
* Social Security Administration simplifies SSI applications
* Special Monthly Compensation Ratings Under 38 USC § 1114 (A Basic Guide to )
* Safe Services - Support for Survivors of Crime
* San Antonio VA Medical Center to Go Smoke-Free
* Schizophrenia Information
* September is National Preparedness Month -Disasters don't wait; make your plan today! * Sex, Race, and Risk of Dementia Diagnosis after Traumatic Brain Injury among Older Veterans
* Sexual assault leads to downward spiral - Marine Corps Vet finds help and healing * Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault: What is the Connection?
* For healthy older adults, new shingles vaccine is worth the wait
* Smoked cannabis appears ineffective in treating PTSD
* Surprising Ways VA Social Workers Can Help
* Social Security Compassionate Allowances: Five Conditions Added to Fast Track
* South Texas Veterans Health Care System Face Book Page
* Stop Harassment Now
* Study finds new genetic markers for peripheral artery disease
* Study finds strong tie between sexual trauma, suicidal thoughts in Veterans with no history of mental health care
* Studying sleep problems that affect Veterans - How sleep is affected by traumatic brain injury and posttraumatic stress disorder
* Study: Different emotions may drive male, female Veterans to attempt suicide
* Substance Use - Substance Use Disorders (SUD)
* Successfully Coping with Holiday Stress: Strategies for Health Care Workers
* Where To Go From Here (Suicide Prevention)
* Suicide Prevention - Open The Door Booklet
* Suicide Prevention Resources
* Suicide and PTSD - relationship between trauma, PTSD and Suicide
* Suicide Prevention Risk Factors and Warning Signs
* The Power of Tribe: Suicide prevention for veterans
* Suicide Prevention - Open The Door Booklet
* Summer harassment, sexual assault safety tips - Good tips for anytime
* Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Program(assists Veteran Families who are homeless or are at significant risk of homelessnes)
* Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Program (assists Veteran Families who are homeless or are at significant risk of homelessnes)
* Survivors: You may be eligible for VA benefits thanks to historic legislation (Dependency Indemnity and Compensation)
* Survivors Pension Benefit(2023)* Surprising Ways VA Social Workers Can Help
* VA Survivors Pension
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* 'Tainted,' 'Screw This:' Study Reveals Male and Female Vets Have Different Suicide Triggers
* Resources for Talking With Children About TBI
* Talking With A Veteran In Crisis
* TBI Caregivers Guide (TBI)
* TBI Center Of Excellence Patient and Family Resources
* TBI Ready? - improve health care providers' ability to identify, care for, and treat service members and veterans affected by
* TeleHealth Information
* The Power of Tribe: Suicide prevention for veterans
* Three Ways to Check Your VA Lab Tests
* Through yoga, VA researcher aims to help female survivors of military sexual trauma with PTSD
* Tinnitus: Ringing in Your Ears Might Be a Sign of Hearing Loss
* Transition Assistance Program
* Travel Pay: Are you Eligible? - Includes VA-authorized non-VA health care facilities
* Transition and Economic Development
* Traumatic Brain Injury Center of Excellence
* Travel Pay: How to Apply
* TRICARE Dental Program Premiums Decrease Effective Nov. 1
* VA, DOD to fund up to $50 million in new research on traumatic brain injury
* TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery
* TRICARE Is Your Partner in Mental Health Care
* How To Find Your TRICARE Referrals
* TRICARE Provider Handbook East Region
* TRICARE Select Enrollment Fees for Group A Retirees Coming January 2021
* TRICARE Premium-Based Plans - Meeting Your Changing Needs
* Tricare Covered Services Emergency Mental Health Care
* Tricare Programs and Resources
* TRICARE and Marriage: What to Do When Getting Married
* Tricare Publications
* Tricare Webinar - Open Registration Season
* Tricare - Get Answers to Your TRICARE Dental Program Coverage Questions
* Make Managing Your TRICARE Prescriptions Easier with Pharmacy App
* TRICARE Beneficiaries May Be Eligible for FEDVIP Vision
* TRICARE FAQs: COVID-19 and Resuming Elective Procedures
* Tricare Face Book page
* Tricare Home Page
* TriCare Mental Health Care
* Tricare Publications
* TRICARE Q&A: What You Need to Know About Referrals, Authorizations
* Tricare Suicide Prevention Resources: Take Care of Yourself and Each Other
* Traumatic Brain Injury? Talk to Your Doctor
* Travel Pay: How to Apply
* Tricare: Pre-Authorization and Medical Necessity for Prescription Drugs: What You Need to Know
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* Understanding PTSD: A Guide for Family and Friends
* Understand PTSD
* Understanding PTSD and PTSD Treatment
* Understand PTSD
* Upgrading Military Discharge Information
* Updated tools and training improve TBI and concussion recovery
* Updated VA South Texas health care website
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* VA health and benefits - Manage your VA health care, benefits, and payments from your mobile phone.
* VA’s Official Mobile App Helps Rural Veterans Connect to VA Services
* VA and Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States partner to increase access to suicide prevention resources for its members
* Vet Centers (Readjustment Counseling): What is readjustment counseling?
* VA and partners discuss sexual assault and sexual harassment prevention and response
* VA Aid and Attendance benefits and Housebound allowance
* VA, America Salutes You partner to bring attention to suicide prevention resources
* VA and SAMHSA host safe messaging and social media conference to prevent Veteran suicide
* VA and Pet Partners combine efforts to bring therapy animal services to more Veterans
* VA benefits for spouses, dependents, survivors, and family caregivers
* VA plans expansion of benefits for disability claims for conditions related to certain toxic exposures - New evaluation process to be applied in identifying future presumptive condition
* VA creates National Women Veterans Oncology System of Excellence in fight against breast cancer
* VA enhances research and education efforts related to airborne hazards and burn pit exposure with newly restructured research hub(2019)
* VA extends debt relief for Veterans
* VA is Expanding Opportunities, Services for Women Veterans
* VA is growing! Plans to modernize VA will lead to growth and better care for Veterans
* VA launches automation pilot to process veteran disability claims faster
* VA launches pre-entry screening tool
* VA’s Long-awaited electronic health record solution hits major milestone
* VA’s Million Veteran Program wants thousands of more women to sign up for genetic study
* VA Mobile Apps - Insomnia Coach
* VA Mobile Apps - Self Help Following Trauma
* VA’s Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention supports proposed three-digit dialing code for suicide hotline
* VA psychologists help Veterans overcome self-stigma (Self-stigma can be a major barrier to seeking mental health support)
* VA releases Request for Information, seeks strategies for ways to end Veteran suicide
* VA releases Launchpad app to streamline health care access for Veterans and caregivers
* VA researchers link PTSD, anxiety fears in women with history of military sexual trauma
* VA services build hope after sexual assault
* VA Special Grants, Allowances and Additional Payments
* VA Survivors Pension
* VA supports the White Ribbon campaign -Supporting violence prevention(sexual harassment, sexual assault, or intimate partner violence (IPV))
* VA videos on anger, prescription drug misuse, PTSD related issues and many more topics
* VA Transition videos & resources
* VA vision care - Are my routine eye exams covered under my VA health care benefits?
* VA’s services for those impacted by intimate partner violence
* VALife insurance program coming January 2023 for Veterans with service connection
* VA will offer abortion counseling and — in certain cases — abortions to pregnant Veterans and VA beneficiaries
* VA would be forced to add three illnesses to Agent Orange presumptive list under Senate-passed plan
* Veterans can now file an appeal online with the Board of Veterans’ Appeals
* Virtual care opens doors to more TBI treatment options for Veterans
* VA Welcome Kit adds 10 new guides for Veterans and their families -Updated VA Welcome Kit Now Available
* Veterans can now access information through Health Records on iPhone
* Veteran Directed Care - staying in your home and receiving care
* Veteran Directed Home & Community Based Services
* Veterans can plan their legacy with VA burial and memorial benefits
* Veterans Personnel Records at the National Archives, St. Louis - How the process works
* Veterans Health Equity: Leave No Veteran Behind - Podcasts addressing various topics
* Veterans Health Library
* VHA TeleHealth Care: Mental Health
* View and download your VA decision letters online (2023)
* Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease
* Virtual program helps diabetic patients better manage their insulin
* VR&E announces national deployment of electronic Virtual Assistant (e-VA)
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* Center for Women Veterans (CWV)
* VA provides expanded services for women Veterans - “It’s like talking to a friend more than a doctor”
* VA educates women Veterans about Alzheimer’s disease June is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month
* VA’s Women’s Health Transition Training brings information to transitioning service women
* VA’s Women Veterans Quick Start Guide now available - Getting Started with Women Veterans Benefits and Health Services
* VA supports Whole Health for Women Veterans - Focusing on wellness, not illness
* What is PE? Prolonged Exposure: Helping During Treatment
* What Will You Pay? Check TRICARE Cost Resource
* When Veterans Should Use Urgent Care Centers vs. Emergency Departments
* Whole Health Five Resources to Recharge This Holiday Season

* Women's Health: Prevent Top Threats
* Women Veterans can access on-demand Women’s Health Transition Training
* Women Veterans can get help addressing their needs through VA programs
* Women Veterans have access to VA resources
* Women Veterans’ care preferences key to preventing suicide - Trust, early intervention may help reduce suicide risk
* Women Veterans: Talk to your provider about cervical cancer -One of the most treatable cancers if found early
* You Are Not Alone (Resources)
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Veterans Healthy Minds Advisory Council – South Texas is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization (tax ID number 92-3527273) under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.